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Summary of Discussion:
University-wide – Internal focus
There should be an emphasis on adaption and mitigation, a need for fine grained observations such as a better understanding of geophysics. New Zealand can be a global leader, with focus areas of research in the pacific and Antarctic regions where NZ has good datasets. What data is New Zealand expert with? (Coastal, seismic etc.) Suggestion of a cross disciplinary forum for students. Bringing researchers together to collaborate and gain exposure to areas of science related to the issue that they are not familiar with.
New Zealand-wide – External Focus
The structure of research in New Zealand does not foster collaboration, rather, it requires academics to compete for the same resources which is counterproductive to the furthering of research. National science challenge should have focus on climate change. There is a disconnect between academia and CRIs. A centre with an interdisciplinary background. There currently is not a scientific body for climate change in New Zealand, only a political body. Identifying why and where we need to do new research. Funding is generally short term.
Long term funding for science, interdisciplinary national initiative for climate change issues. National infrastructure should be built to allow for interdisciplinary collaboration, open data which is available to all through a research institution works well overseas. The centre would be an enabler to meet these targets. The centre would need to have an undisputed position, with long term governmental funding. Collective vision with a board for collaboration and direction. NZ needs to update funding models for research to move forward.